10 Reasons A Nun's Life Needs YOUR Support

Blog Published: May 27, 2020
By The Nuns
Top 10 Reasons to Donate

Did you know that A Nun's Life Ministry is a nonprofit organization that relies on donors?

Producing content that touches hearts and inspires lives only happens because of the openness of the online audience, our dear friends, and the enormous generosity of so many good-willed people. 

A Nun's Life Ministry is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that relies on people—blog readers, video watchers, and podcast listeners—to keep the ministry thriving! Have you ever considered donating to the ministry but are just not sure where your money would go or what it would actually support? Well, let us share some fantastic insights about the power of donating! 

1. You help thousands of people grow in their faith and experience the joy of living into their calling from God.

2. You help people discover and grow in their vocation, whether it is religious life, a job, a relationship, or a life commitment.

3. You support young people in need by providing access to a safe, welcoming online environment.

4. You help shape a culture infused with Gospel values that fosters life-giving relationships in an online environment.

5. Your support keeps the spirit of innovation strong.  As people’s needs change, A Nun’s Life responds by using social technologies to find new ways to reach people who might otherwise have little contact with the culture of vocation.

6. You can honor a loved one, a friend, or a Catholic Sister with your gift.

7. Your gift is tax-deductible since A Nun’s Life Ministry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. 

8. You join an international community of people from various religious communities, ministries, spiritualities, cultures, and geographies. 

9. You can help launch the years to come for A Nun’s Life Ministry as it grows every day to be of service to the online community and to religious communities, to the church, and to the world.

10. You can donate easily using our secure online donation form or via mail.


Bonus tip: If you are a current supporter of the ministry, jump down to the comment section below and share why you choose to support the ministry. We’d love to hear from you.  

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