Random Nun Clips

Spiritual-o-meter to rate New Year resolutions

Podcast Recorded: January 15, 2014

In this Random Nun Clip, the nuns discuss their New Year's resolutions and what Chloe the Convent Cat thinks. Hear the full Ask Sister podcast at AS151.  

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Sister Maxine  
It involved a chart. But I have since let go of that and done something that speaks more broadly to my life.

Sister Julie  
So you don't chart out your spiritual strategy or anything?

Sister Maxine  
I have a general spiritual orientation. You know, for example, like this year, my general spiritual orientation is to continue to be open to wherever the Spirit may lead me. And so it's not like it starts now.

Sister Julie  
Right. It's like, here's where you'll know you have reached your objective. And when you get to this point--

Sister Maxine  
Right. It's like to continue to be open to listen to the Spirit, to not be so attached to my own agenda, even if I think it's a good one. Yeah.

Sister Julie  
Well, the good news is, Sister, is that one of my resolutions is to track your spiritual process, or your spiritual progress. So not to worry about not having any outputs and outcomes and evaluation and measurement because I've got that taken care of for you.

Sister Maxine  
You know, Sister, I can always count on you.

Sister Julie  
I am so there.

I appreciate that. Now, how about you? What about you and your New Year's resolution?

Well, here's the thing: I'm not usually really good at them. Because what happens is, I have these great ideas. And then, like a lot of other people, I kind of fizzle out in the first few weeks. So what I've been trying to do the last few years is I'll actually start my resolutions in Advent, because I figure it's the new church year, and it will give me a running start towards the new year that begins January 1. So I have that month or so, to kind of test out, to see how I'm doing, and if it can qualify as a full fledged New Year's resolution.

Sister Maxine  
Now, have you ever gotten to partway through and be like, "Oh, yeah, this is not really the direction I want to go. Something else has opened up instead."

Sister Julie  
It's true. I've already given up on the idea of tracking your spiritual progress.

Sister Maxine  
I'm hoping that's not because you don't anticipate outcomes.

Sister Julie  
No, it's because--well, see, Chloe the convent cat developed a device that sort of bypasses my whole progress where she

Sister Maxine  
She's clever.

Sister Julie  
She's clever. So now she just has this little gizmo where she just kind of--when you arrive, she could like beep to see if like your halo has increased or decreased and so it just does away with the whole chart notion.

Sister Maxine  
The spiritual meter.

Sister Julie  
Yeah, so she she's got an eye on you, Sister.

Transcript lightly edited for readability.

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