AS091 Ask Sister – novelist needs info for nunfiction, hanging up on a call from God, how nuns pray, submissiveness, unholy spirits, gay saints
Podcast Recorded:

AS091 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on November 9, 2011. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: novelist needs info for nunfiction, hanging up on a call from God, how nuns pray, submissiveness, unholy spirits, gay saints

How can I move beyond fear so I can respond to God's call?

Blog Published:

Remember Jesus’ powerful words in the Gospel of Mark when he heals Jairus’ daughter: “Fear is useless. What is needed is trust.”

How can I respond to God's call when I'm afraid of where God might be leading me?

Blog Published:

Ah, dear Seeker, I believe your question about responding to God's call despite being afraid is one that God hears quite often—and one that tugs at God’s heartstrings!

The-Burning-Bush-afraid of God's calling

I dreamt I missed a phone call from God—is God trying to tell me something?

Blog Published:

Dreams have been one of God’s ways of speaking to us from our earliest history! So I take dreams as important messengers, always with something to tell us.

LOL Nun Outtake: What happens when nuns encounter unexpected hang ups?
Podcast Recorded:

This Random Nun Clip is from Ask Sister podcast episode 137. Hear the full podcast at AS137.