How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the Good News!

Blog Published:

In this season of Advent let us deepen our call to become preachers of the Gospel, the Good News, no matter what our profession is. We are all needed and called to care for one another.

Sharing the good news of the Gospel

AS230 Ask Sister - Just your average sinner, holiest of all, Team Jesus healers
Podcast Recorded:

Topics: Just your average sinner, holiest of all, Team Jesus healers. 

If Jesus will always forgive me, why should I try so hard to be better?
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, a young listener wonders why she should try so hard to be good when Jesus will forgive her sins anyway. Hosts: Sister Maxine and Sister Shannon. Hear the full Ask Sister episode AS230 at

AS228 Ask Sister - Life amid Covid, how to begin bible study, justified by Jesus, sin vs. invitation from God to try new things
Podcast Recorded:

Life amid Covid, bible study beginner, justified by Jesus, sin vs. invitation from God to try new things. Hosts: Sister Maxine and Sister Shannon.

Arising from sleep

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So has it happened yet? Have you heard your call to awake from sleep? A new day is dawning!