AS058 Ask Sister – pooh-poohing a vocation, a matter of conscience, original sin and sex, sudden conversion, female Doctors of the Church
Podcast Recorded:

AS058 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on January 28, 2011. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: pooh-poohing a vocation, a matter of conscience, original sin and sex, sudden conversion, female Doctors of the Church, and more!

Autumn, Our Wise Teacher

Blog Published:

Autumn has some wonderful, spiritual lessons for us. What behavior or reactions are old leaves that your soul has outgrown?

How do you keep your faith and bolster it in others?

Blog Published:

"Go out into nature and breathe, because creation is a soothing balm for anxious bodies." The noisy worlds in which we coexist with nature too often drown out the sounds and music of nature.

Keeping Faith - A Nun's Life Ministry

How do you pray?

Blog Published:

Blog reader Jenn had a question about prayer, and so I thought tackle it on today’s post. Prayer is such a wonderfully dynamic thing. There are so many ways to have a conversation with God, to be still in his presence. One of the central ways that we Catholics pray together is through the celebration of the Eucharist. This celebration itself holds within it a great variety of ways to pray which involve spirit, mind, and body. It is at the center of our lives as Catholics.