What advice would you give someone discerning a call to religious life?

See how Sister Barbara O'Kane uses the acronym P.R.A.Y. for discerners considering religious life.

What does it mean to stand at the foot of the Cross?

Standing at the foot of the cross causes one to ask the deeper questions about life and calling. Vocation Directors help people understand those deeper questions that are part of God’s plan.

Sister Laura Zelten, OSF

Why did you become a Sister?

In this #Nunday video, Sister Jane Frances Nabakaawa, DM, shares the story of her calling to become a Catholic sister with the Daughters of Mary, Uganda.

What is the best part of being a Catholic Sister?

Sister Sarah Puls, SGS, shares how being a Catholic Sister allows her to be her best self and to freely respond to the needs of the world.

Sister Sarah Puls, SGS

Who has inspired you in your religious vocation?

Sister Monica Seaton, OSU, reflects on who has inspired her religious vocation.