AS189 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on September 7, 2016. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry.
(1:20) Redesigned A Nun’s Life newsletter features Ninja nun warriors.
(4:15) Avoiding worldliness as a path to happiness…or not.
(12:15) Making life choices based on freedom instead of fear.
(17:30) Saint Therese of Lisieux tempted by wildflowers.
(21:15) Can a family rift be healed?
(23:20) Forgiveness vs. reconciliation.
(28:00) What happens if others don’t want to reconcile.
(32:00) Can you be pure of heart and still be physically attracted to others?
(35:00) Purity and beauty, in the Catholic Catechism.
(38:00) Purity of heart and self-acceptance.
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