Am I being a spiritual glutton?
Podcast Recorded:

Can you speed up the process of drawing closer to God? The Nuns discuss!

man in deep prayer

Am I being “holier than thou” if I choose new friends?
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, a listener worries that her friends will think she's judging them because they're not into faith. Hear the full Ask Sister episode AS224 at Sister Maxine with guest Sister Clara Kreis, CND.

Any advice for discerning God's call when the path ahead is really unclear?
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, we talk with Sister Maribeth Howell, OP, about the winding path of discernment. Hear more clips from our visit with the Adrian Dominican sisters on the Motherhouse Road Trip page.

Apostolic or monastic?
Podcast Recorded:

There are many similarities, and some big differences, between apostolic and monastic religious orders.


Are founders of religious orders honored like business founders?
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, a listener asks if nuns recall their founders the way employees honor the people who established the business where they're working. Hear the full Ask Sister episode AS227 at Hosts: Sister Maxine and Sister Jane Aseltyne, IHM.

A Nun's Life podcasts