Sisters describe ways they foster dialogue between groups with differing values.

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I live and work in El Paso, Texas, which has become a central hub for the U.S. refugee situation. We use research, reflection, leadership development, education and action in working for justice to transform the region around El Paso; Cuidad Juarez, Mexico; and Las Cruces, New Mexico. We use research, reflection, leadership development, education and action in working for justice to transform the region around El Paso; Cuidad Juarez, Mexico; and Las Cruces, New Mexico.

The dollars and sense of changes in the minimum wage
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Sister Richelle Friedman, at the Coalition on Human Needs, talks about economic and social implications of changes in the minimum wage in the U.S. Hear the full In Good Faith episode IGF043 at

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Sister Richelle Friedman talks about the dollars and sense of changes in the minimum wage

The nuns address spatial racism

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I spent part of the weekend at our IHM Motherhouse for a webinar symposium on Spatial Racism. I was grateful for the opportunity to learn more about spatial racism as I had little familiarity with it. The symposium was offered through the "Undoing Racisim" committee ...

The unique call of rural ministry
Podcast Recorded:

Rural ministry is so important -- and also largely forgotten. That's why Sister Pat Flass runs the Rural Program, which invites Sisters and associates to the rural South to understand the need... and how they could help fill it.

rural area

Vow of Poverty means challenging Goldman Sachs

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Here at A Nun’s Life Ministry, we’re often asked about what the vow of poverty is and how it is lived both personally and as a congregation. While a significant aspect of the vow is that we hold all things in common and don’t personally own anything, there are other dimensions too.