Let's Talk about Two Teresas

Blog Published:

Do you ever confuse Teresa of Avila and Therese of Lisieux? Here is a short blog highlighting their stories.

teresa of avila

Magnifying God with your life

Blog Published:

Just as Mary did not know how her life would unfold and intertwine with her son Jesus’ life, we, too, do not know how our lives will unfold and intertwine.

A bride and groom embrace

The abundance of the desert

Blog Published:

Serving in Israel/ Palestine, Sister Cecilia Sierra is discovering the abundant blessings of life and prayer in the desert.

Sister Cecilia Sierra praying in the Judean desert near Mount Musa

Seen, yet unseen

Blog Published:

Thanks to her dad, Sister Anne-Louise Nadeau formed an image of a God who provides, protects, is lavish in goodness, and is a vast mystery.

"Nautilus Sweep," digital artwork by Notre Dame de Namur Sr. Terry Davis

How to tell if you have a religious vocation

Podcast Recorded:

Women are always asking Sister Mary Michael Fox, "How can I be sure if I have a religious vocation?" Find out Sister's simple strategy to get the answer.

A smiling woman prays next to a sunny window