Sorting and packing—a moving metaphor

Blog Published: April 12, 2012
By Sister Maxine

ChloeBoxes are stacking up here at the convent as we get ready for a weekend pack-a-thon. Even Chloe is getting boxes ready! Early next week, we move the convent and the A Nun’s Life studio from Chicago to Toledo, Ohio.

In general, moving isn’t one of my favorite things to do. But what I like about moving is that it offers a metaphor for other aspects of life. For example, right now I’m sorting through things like books, files on my computer, photographs, etc., trying to decide what to take and what to give away or dispose of.

I try to be very thorough because the less I have, the less I’ll have to carry during the move. Plus, we have a steep set of stairs, so that’s an extra incentive. My goal is to bring along more of the things I really want and need, and fewer of the things I don’t.

The act of sorting out material items makes me think of non-material things that I value and want to have plenty of space for – things like compassion, a sense of humor, patience. This means sorting out things that take up too much space, like some of the impatience I feel when technology fails to cooperate. Or some of the frustration when things go awry despite careful planning. I’m sorry to say the list could go on, but you get the picture. As I sort material items, I imagine putting the unwanted non-material things in a composter, so they can be transformed. Yep, I feel lighter already!

Over these next few days, I invite you to join me in the sorting process. I have some extra boxes, so think about what you’d like to keep and what you’d like to send to the composter! It’s gonna be a great move!

Archived Comments

Barbara April 12, 2012 at 2:20 pm

Holy Toledo! May all go well on this move….no flat tires, no sick cat, etc. I’m also downsizing – it’s amazing how an entire music collection, from 45 rpm and LP vinyl to cd’s, can be fit into an itsy bitsy mp3 player! Many blessings on your new home

sistermaxine April 12, 2012 at 4:21 pm

I know what you mean about the amazement of digital downsizing.I’ve scanned many of my printed photos — what would fill an entire box fits nicely on an SD card!

Joyce April 12, 2012 at 3:12 pm

I can’t wait till I know you are within ‘shouting’ distance to enable some renewed adventures, who knows maybe even fishing!!! See you soon. Let me know when those boxes are crying, ‘empty me’ and I will be there.

sistermaxine April 12, 2012 at 4:22 pm

Thanks, Joyce! If you open your windows early next week, you’ll probably hear the boxes all the way from Toledo 

marla April 12, 2012 at 9:15 pm

i’d choose to clear out all my fear. if i find any trust around i’ll laminate it and store it in a fireproof safe.

Julia April 13, 2012 at 7:13 am

As my long-term sub position comes to a close and I start looking for full-time teaching jobs, I’m spending my time weeding through the teaching resources that I’ve made or found in an attempt to keep the useful stuff and clear out the rest. I’ve also had to get rid of the negative emotions and memories and save the positive ones–the lessons that went quite well, the students with whom I have developed a good rapport, and the support of my fellow faculty members. Only after I’ve finished packing all of this will I be ready to move on and search confidently for another job. Stellar blog post, SMX! Blessings on your move. 

kbart April 13, 2012 at 9:17 am

Sister Chloe’s eyes say it all. OMG there is so much to do! And yet Sr. Chloe has the right idea. Explore the empty box. Peer out and check on the reality of what is going on around me. Then explore the box again. Its either that or she has had WAY to much coping catnip! Wish we were there to help you guys! Know we send our hugs and prayers and energies you way!

Jolene April 17, 2012 at 3:24 pm

Welcome to Toledo! We love it here.

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