As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us

Blog Published:

Have you ever stopped to reflect about the line "Forgive those who trespass against us? How does this apply in your daily life? Sister Rejane talks about it on Annunciation Radio.

Lent 2023 prayer

Sister Patricia Rodríguez Leal, CSC

“What is your mission?” This question reaffirmed Sister Patricia's call of caring for children through peace education and to create safe spaces where violence has no place.

Sister Paty with two students.

Rebuilding a family
Podcast Recorded:

How do young women seeking asylum in the United States end up at Bethany House of Hospitality – and what happens to them from there? Sister Pat Crowley shares some stories.

sisters embrace

How can I keep up with everyone else on the faith journey?
Podcast Recorded:

A listener is struggling with the feeling that she’s trailing behind on the faith journey. The Nuns have lots to say about this question!

woman running

Laudato Si': Praise Be to You, God!

Blog Published:

The simple pleasure of encouraging a garden to grow can help us grow closer to God.

community garden