Vocation Stories for the World Day of Consecrated Life

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World Day of Consecrated Life is February 2, 2025.  Check out these sisters' vocation stories!

Sister Ana Gonzalez next to a marker on the Camino de Santiago

Sister Tram Bui, OP

The Beatles tune, “Long and Winding Road” might start playing in your head as you learn about 44-year-old Sr. Tram Bui, OP. Sr. Tram made First Vows as a Dominican Sister of Peace August 6, 2023. However, it wasn’t exactly a straight road from there to here – this was the second time that she professed First Vows, hence the winding road reference.

Sister Tram Bui

Sister Meg Eckart, RSM

Meg took time to actively discern God's call to religious life.  Through an international volunteer program, she encountered the Sisters of Mercy and entered the community in Guyana, South America.

Sister Meg Eckardt

Sister Rita Cameron, PBVM

Sister Rita shares about being a mother, grandmother, and Catholic sister, saying  "all  (are) calls from God, and I am thankful for prayerful community support in each of these calls."

Sister Rita Cameron

Emerging from the dark night

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When the foundation of your life is a loving and living God, the difficulties and even moments of falling become an opportunity for experiencing His mercy and closeness.

Sr. Teodozija Myroslava Mostepaniuk makes her final profession as a Sister of the Order of St. Basil the Great (Province of St. Michael the Archangel, Croatia)