We decided to highlight 3 very different vocation stories from our archives for the World Day of Consecrated Life, celebrated on February 2. Click on the links to learn more about each sister's journey.
Sister Ana Gonzalez, a Dominican Sister of Peace, ministers in the Admissions Office of Albertus Magnus College in New Haven, Connecticut. She speaks about the journey and the joy of her vocation journey and all the companions she has encountered along the way – as well as her pilgrimage along the Camino de Santiago de Compostela.
Sister Meg Eckart, RSM took time to actively discern God's call to religious life. Through an international volunteer program, she encountered the Sisters of Mercy and entered the community in Guyana, South America.
Sister Patricia Leal, CSC “What is your mission?” This question reaffirmed Sister Patricia's call of caring for children through peace education and to create safe spaces where violence has no place.