In Her Own Words: Vocation Stories
Every religious has a vocation story. Some knew they were called at a young age, others discovered their calling through their favorite band (seriously!). In this unique and inspiring collection of vocation stories, read how sisters responded to God's invitation to pursue religious life.
On Being a Millennial and a Nun
Meet Sister Audra and Sister Christina, a few millennials who have said "yes" to God through a religious vocation.
Watch Sister Audra Turnbull's video on why she chose religious life. Sister Audra is a canonical novice with the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Monroe, Michigan.
Read Sister Christina Chavez's blog on how she discerned her vocation with the Congregation of Divine Providence in San Antonio, Texas. Sister Christina is a canonical novice.
Discernment Pro-tips and Resources
- How to Become a Catholic Nun
- The Discernment Chart
- A 3-part Series on Discernment
- Vision Vocation Network
- National Catholic Sisters Project
- Connect with Catholic Campus Ministry Association
- Discernment: Exploring the Call Reflection/Education Series