Welcome to the Vocation Resources page, with great resources for discerning your calling!
Service Opportunities
Religious life is about a life of service to God, the church, and the world. Serving alongside others in your local community or abroad can help expand your worldview and provide opportunities to meet new people. You might even discover more about yourself! If you are interested in exploring service opportunities as you discern your calling, please visit our Service Opportunities page.
Religious Vocation
Are you considering a religious vocation? Wondering where to start? What does discernment mean? We're here for you! On our Religious Vocation Resource page, you'll find stories from religious folks who offer a wealth of spiritual insight and tips on how to navigate the joys and challenges of following God's call. You will also find discernment pro-tips, how to contact a vocation director, and some practical ways you can take that next step in your vocational journey.
#Nunday Video Series
The videos feature sisters from many different congregations, sharing stories (and LOLs) about their journey to religious life and offering insights to help you discern and grow in your vocation, wherever God is calling you!
Spiritual Direction
Did you know that God's activity in your life is happening at this very moment? If you're looking for a way to tap in to that deeper calling, meeting with a spiritual director can help you discover wisdom and gain confidence to go in the direction of God's calling, wherever that may be. To learn more about spiritual direction and how to contact a director, please visit our Spiritual Direction page.