Catholic sisters and nuns are podcasting! Check out the variety of religious communities and sisterly voices! Please let us know if you have any suggestions or updates for this page. Our criteria for including podcasts on this list are that the podcast must be:
- specifically by or about Catholic sisters
- identified with a congregation or other organization in service to religious life
- currently active, with podcasts produced on a regular basis
God Calling: Vocation Vibes - Little Sisters of the Poor
God is indeed calling, and today's attentive listeners are catching the vibes. The Little Sisters of the Poor, in conversation with their special guests, explore the many aspects of "vocation" that intrigue today's young men and women, stir their hearts, and nudge them to "check it out" and respond.
Beyond The Habit - Sisters of St. Joseph
A podcast moving beyond everyday assumptions of what it means to be Catholic hosted by Sister Erin McDonald and Sister Colleen Gibson from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia.
Brewing Faith - Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
A podcast where younger Catholics ask the questions, and together with the Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, and through a Franciscan lens we look at the future of our Church.
Called to Be... - Holy Union Sisters and Associates
A series of discussions on an array of topics between and among various combinations of Holy Union Sisters and Associates. Taken together, they are meant to help us all grow in faith as we continue our journey together.
Exploring Intersections - Congregations from Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and Wisconsin
Guests include Catholic Sisters, friends, and experts in their field offering unique perspectives and invaluable insights on the particular topic through the lens of their spirituality.
F.L.O.W.cast - Springfield Dominican Sisters
A podcast that interviews Springfield Dominican sisters, associates, and other people changing lives in hopeful ways, "For the Life of the World". Recorded at Sacred Heart Convent, Springfield, Illinois.
For The Sake Of - Religious of the Sacred Heart
A podcast about faith, life, and what it all means. Join host Sister Kim King as she engages in conversations with individuals connected to the Society of the Sacred Heart's mission through some facet of her/his life, exploring personal stories about the integration of faith and life.
Generative Spirits - Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio
A podcast that explores how members of Northeast Ohio congregations respond to the signs of the times in ways only Sisters can - with personal insights and collective knowledge of life and ministry over a century.
The Providence Podcast- Congregation of Divine Providence
The Providence Podcast connects Scripture with everyday life, offers ways to reflect on what the readings mean to you, and helps you to deepen your spirituality. It's brought to you by the Sisters of Divine Providence of Kentucky, an international community of Catholic sisters with a mission to be witnesses of God's Providence, extending God's love and care through the works of mercy.
Messy Jesus Business - Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
A podcast about radical Gospel living, nonviolence, simple living, social justice, service, community, and contemplation.
Monastery of St. Gertrude's Podcast - Monastery of St. Gertrude's in Cottonwood, ID
A podcast that interviews Sisters and supporters at the Monastery of St. Gertrude's in Cottonwood, Idaho.
Orando los Salmos desde el Monasterio - Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica
Un podcast que invita a rezar los salmos, a repetirlos una y otra vez hasta descubrir en ellos la voz de Dios que nos sigue hablando a través del tiempo. Presentado por la Hermana Helga Leija.
Sister Storylab - Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, California
A podcast about the life and mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange. The interviews use storytelling to connect to the dear neighbor and unite people with God and one another.
Women on a Mission - Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
Unless you’re a nun, you may have an outdated picture of what it’s like to be one in this day and age. Update and expand your understanding by joining Holy Names Sisters Mimi Maloney and Teresa Shields on an exploration of ministries and adventures in religious life today.