Sister Tram Bui, OP

The Beatles tune, “Long and Winding Road” might start playing in your head as you learn about 44-year-old Sr. Tram Bui, OP. Sr. Tram made First Vows as a Dominican Sister of Peace August 6, 2023. However, it wasn’t exactly a straight road from there to here – this was the second time that she professed First Vows, hence the winding road reference.

Sister Tram Bui

Let there be light

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Our world is filled with inequity, problems, and pain -- but as Christians, we can share the light of Christ amid the darkness of fear and despair.

small candle burning in open hand

What's the best part of being a Catholic sister?

In this #Nunday video, Sister Orlanda Leyba, OP, opens up about her favorite part of being a Catholic sister. 

Peace is possible

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Appearances to the contrary, peace is possible in our world. Christ is the proof.

small globe perched on seaside rocks

Her chosen star

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It was in a community college parking lot that Sister Anne-Louise Nadeau received a piece of wisdom that continues to sustain her to this very day.

lake under starry night sky