Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross

Blog Published: September 14, 2012
By Guest Blogger

A Nun’s Life is delighted to be joined today by guest blogger Sister Hildegard Pleva, OSsR, of the Redemptoristine Nuns and the blog Contemplative Horizon.

The Feast of the Exultation of the CrossThe Feast of the Exultation of the Cross is one of a cycle of twelve great feasts celebrated in the liturgical cycle of the early Church.  Legendary stories of the discovery of the true Cross in the 4th century and the patronage of Saint Helena, mother of Constantine, are often told in relation to this feast. More important is the tribute offered here to the Cross as the instrument of our salvation.  The entrance antiphon for Mass on the feast declares, “We should glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom is our salvation, our life and resurrection, through which we are saved.”

This day is an important feast for Redemptoristines, my community of contemplative monastic women in the Order of the Most Holy Redeemer. September 14 is also the anniversary of our foundress’ death in 1755.  The Venerable Maria Celeste Crostarosa (1696-1755) made of “her will an echo of Christ’s will.” (Florilegium 64. Colloquies II, 7 (11)) She was united with him on the cross in many trials endured throughout her life.  Therefore, it was apropos that she should die on the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and be united with her Beloved in heaven as she was on earth.

Jesus invited his disciples, Celeste, and us as well with these words, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)  Celeste responded, “Oh with what love I embraced the cross, loved it, desired it and took pleasure in it — all for your love.”  She continues, “Likewise those who love bind themselves to the cross … savor the true and solid sweetness of God and the true peace found therein.” (Florilegium 118. Rules. Love of the Cross, 9r-9v (188-189))

Cynthia S.S. Crysdale in her book Embracing Travail: Retriving the Cross Today (NY: Continuum, 1999) suggests that in order to unite ourselves with the cross of Christ and his suffering we must correctly identify the real suffering in our lives. This is not the suffering created by our ego needs but rather the suffering necessary for transformation, that transformation of the false-self which enables us to attain the promised freedom of the children of God.

For consideration in prayer:

  • Does my ego cling to a particular suffering? Is my clinging misplaced?
  • Is there another suffering being called for as I seek union with the Cross of Christ?
  • Is there an effort toward true transformation in Christ that I choose to ignore?

May the Holy Spirit guide us in this meditation of love, this exaltation of the Cross of Christ.

For more information about Sister Hildegard’s community, visit the Redemptoristine Nuns of New York. And be sure to catch Sister Hildegard’s blog, Contemplative Horizon.

Archived Comments

Sara September 14, 2012 at 8:17 am

Thank you for this meditation. God is doing great things in me. Thank you for listening to the Holy Spirit in writing this. It’s what I needed this morning. Here is the prayer I wrote for myself to meditate on this week based on Sister Hildegard’s writing.

  • Lord, my ego wants me to suffer for the service I do for my family. Please, help me to serve all your people with gladness, especially my family.
  • Lord, you call me to suffer in an imperfect world of messes and inefficiency so that I can unite myself with the cross of Christ and His suffering. Please, lead me to suffer with joy in the imperfection.
  • Lord, I need to transform my judgemental attitudes and my unreasonable expectations of myself and others to rid myself of the false-self that Satan has installed in me. Please, show me how to reflect your glory and to see it in others through love.
Marsha West September 15, 2012 at 3:18 pm

Thank you, Sister Hildegard, for sharing this with us. Your suggested questions for prayer are wonderful.

Helen Cameron, IBVM September 23, 2012 at 8:49 pm

Thank you, Sister HIldegard, for sharing those important questions. Sometimes we design our own cross, and it isn’t the one Jesus would wish to share with us. While God calls us to be “real” and fully the persons He created us to be, we come up with esoteric and “heroic” versions of the cross which have nothing to do with God’s plan at all. This is why a good spiritual director is such a help.

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