We're over halfway through our fundraiser -- and we definitely need your help! If you are an individual or organization, you can donate very easily with our secure online form on the donate page. You can also use our Post Office address! If you are an organization, you can also become a sponsor! And for everyone, we soooo appreciate support through prayer, participation, social media sharing, and the many ways you are part of this ministry and community!
Why should you support A Nun's Life? ... in no particular order (but we love #1)!
A Nun's Life includes Catholic sisters and nuns from a variety of religious communities, ministries, spiritualities, cultures, and geographies via social media, blog posts, podcasts, chat, video, and more!
- A Nun's Life helps people discover and grow in their vocation. Whether you are thinking about "a nun's life" or any other calling such as a job, a relationship, a lifestyle, a life commitment, or you just like hanging out with sisters, nuns, and a great online community, A Nun's Life is for you!
- A Nun's Life is creative and innovative in the use of technology and the Internet for mission and ministry!
- A Nun's Life Ministry is an expert in the area of online presence and social media for mission and ministry. We work with many organizations to help them develop their online presence in a way that helps make the world a better place!
- A Nun's Life is a digital native founded in 2006 to serve the online community. The bricks and mortar came later we needed room for a studio, offices, electricity, and all the stuff to necessary to run the ministry!
- A Nun's Life serves all of religious life -- not just one congregation or group.
- A Nun's Life collaborates with many different groups: the tech community, theologians, Catholic organizations, nonprofits, audio engineers, web developers, pastoral care workers, local/regional/national groups, music and radio professionals, and many more!
- A Nun's Life celebrates the spiritual life, adventure, prayer, animals, Catholic faith, music, coffee, God's good creation, theology, did we mention coffee?, creativity, Scripture, humor, books, biking, and lots more!
- A Nun's Life is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and we are growing the ministry every day to be of service to the online community and to religious communities, to the church, and to the world!
- A Nun's Life includes you! You put the "u" in A Nun's Life and we are honored to be in community with you!
Keep this ministry and community going! Please take a moment right now and donate to A Nun's Life Ministry. We are grateful for your encouragement and support!
The Nuns