- Our first Motherhouse Road Trip to California, with two stops on the journey. The first is with the Carmelite Sisters in Alhambra.
- We get a little turned around when we arrive in the general area of the motherhouse (lots of construction!). We’re meandering through the streets looking for the entrance when we see a sister looking around as if expecting someone. It was Sister Gianna, our contact nun at the motherhouse! She jumps in the car and takes us to the convent.
- At the podcasting location, the sisters run an ethernet cable through the window to ensure that we have enough bandwidth for livestreaming. As we set up epuipment, the novices bring us lunch and a plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven.
- Our podcasts guests, Sister Marie Timothy and Sister Faustina were awesome on the podcast, and Sister Marie Aimee rocked the chatroom!
L: Sister Timothy Marie, OCD, is in retreat ministry. She has been a Carmelite sister for over 50 years.
R: Sister Faustina, OCD, professed final vows in 2012 and has served in the Carmelite apostolate of education.
Mission Statement: We are called by God to be a presence inflamed within our world, witnessing to God’s love through prayer, joyful witness and loving service. Our mission is a God-given mission which overflows from each sister’s profound life of prayer. It is a mission of the heart, a mission of loving service in the fields of healthcare, education and spiritual retreats. Mother Luisita, our foundress, used this analogy to describe our mission, “the soul of each Carmelite raises herself to Christ, Who is her heaven, while her shadow falls in charity upon earth doing good to all people.”
L: Sister Timothy Marie, OCD, is in retreat ministry. She has been a Carmelite sister for over 50 years.
R: Sister Faustina, OCD, professed final vows in 2012 and has served in the Carmelite apostolate of education.
Mission Statement: We are called by God to be a presence inflamed within our world, witnessing to God’s love through prayer, joyful witness and loving service. Our mission is a God-given mission which overflows from each sister’s profound life of prayer. It is a mission of the heart, a mission of loving service in the fields of healthcare, education and spiritual retreats. Mother Luisita, our foundress, used this analogy to describe our mission, “the soul of each Carmelite raises herself to Christ, Who is her heaven, while her shadow falls in charity upon earth doing good to all people.”