Do you ever wake up to find your mind plagued with anxious thoughts? Worrying about how to handle life's dilemmas, or getting caught up on all the things you need to do?
On a lovely Sunday morning when I could have slept in a little later, I awoke with a swarm of anxious thoughts and little worries. Rather than keep battling them, I got up and went to my prayer chair, with a warm cup of coffee.
When anxiety seeps in, it’s hard to brush it away. But I knew God could give me some guidance about this common human problem: feeling anxious about life though we are in the arms of a loving God.
I knew I had to take these worries to God, ASAP. I felt the Presence, and as guidance came, I knew I had to write to you, dear readers, since you may have your share of anxious moments.
So here’s how God responded. God didn’t give me answers to all the thorny little worries. There were no detailed instructions on how to solve each problem or face each issue. No download of divine wisdom. No chiding about how I surely should trust by now! No...what happened was a gradual blanket of peace came over me, as though some loving mother had come in and seen her child shivering, and wrapped a blanket around her.
I began to notice that all the details of my problems were slipping away, and I was engulfed by a subtle sense of peace. I noticed that this peace was thick, solid, substantial--not some fluffy, puffy cloud that quickly disappears. It seemed God was saying, “I never meant for you to live in anxiety. I hoped you would always know I ‘have your back.' You can live in worry, or in Me. I am real and substantial. I am utterly dependable. You LIVE in Me. That’s where you are planted and securely rooted.“
This question wasn't submitted by a reader--I asked the question this time, and wanted to pass the word from God on to you, hoping it might help you, too!