AS127 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on January 16, 2013. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Guest nuns join us to celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week. Topics include: discerning a vocation to religious life, ups and downs of discernment, community, and more!
- Sister Deborah’s and Sister Barbara’s current ministries.
- The charism and mission of the Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius and the Sisters of Saint Francis of Sylvania, Ohio.
- What attracted Sister Barbara and Sister Deborah to religious life, and to their respective congregations.
- How they discerned religious life.
- How the process of discerning religious life can be helpful to others who are wondering how God is calling them.
- Questions and concerns as first profession of vows approached.
- The most unexpected part of being a sister.
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Sister Barbara Vano, OSF, is a Sister of Saint Francis of Sylvania, Ohio, and Director of Campus Ministry at Lourdes University.
Sister Deborah Borneman, SSCM, is a Sister of Saints Cyril and Methodius and associate director of the National Religious Vocations Conference (NRVC) in Chicago.