AS144 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on July 31, 2013.
The God of surprises – the life-changing journey of Ingatian spirituality.
Discerning a vocation: “Will this choice make me a more happy, holy, and effective person for God and others?”
Resources on Ignatian spirituality (19th annotation, online sources, volunteer opportunities, etc.) and how to find the ones that will be most helpful to you.
Advice on finding God in everyday life when it’s so busy there’s little time to pause.
What does it mean to find God in all things and in all people, even in the midst of pain, struggle, and doubt.
God creates us moment by moment.
Helping young adults with discernment and vocation in the tradition of Saint Ignatius.
Learning to love like Christ, who is knocking at the door of our hearts.
Ways that Pope Francis, a Jesuit, incarnates Ignatian spirituality.
Tom McGrath is a writer and speaker on family-life and on spirituality. He ministers at the Jesuit publishing company Loyola Press, which offers many resources including the "31 Days with Saint Ignatius" series.
Becky Eldredge is a writer, retreat facilitator, and spiritual director. She ministers at Charis Ministries, a Jesuit ministry for those in their 20s and 30s. Becky blogs at the dotMagis team blog at ignatianspirituality.com.