AS162 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on October 10, 2014. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org ministry. Motherhouse Road Trip with the Dominican Sisters of Peace in Columbus, OH. Topics include: joy, God in relationships, you know you're a Dominican when...
- “Who me?” and other reactions to the idea of being called to religious life
- The joy of religious life and the legacy of Dominic the Joyful Friar
- Boyfriend a companion on the journey to Dominican life
- Preaching by sharing our stories and “listening with the ear of the heart”
- Extending the Dominican experience of community to the world
- “Spiritual itinerancy,” allowing ourselves to be open to being changed by God
- You know you’re a Dominican when….
- Quest and questions as vital to the spiritual journey
- Uniting our suffering and our prayers with Christ’s
- The Dominican Blessing song used with permission. Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL. Sister Mary Jean Traeger, OP.
Sister June Fitzgerald is a Retreat Director, Spiritual Director, and storyteller. She serves as Vocation Promoter on the Ministry of Welcome team for the Dominican Sisters of Peace.
Sister Mattie Sterner has been a Dominican Sister for 63 years. She has served as a teacher at all grade levels and is currently the Director of the Center for Dominican Studies at Ohio Dominican University in Columbus.