AS173 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on June 9, 2015. Sponsored by aNunsLife.org Ministry. Motherhouse Road Trip with the Sisters of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana.
- Attracted to religious life by the church in service to the poor
- Discovering our gifts and talents through service to others
- “Providing services where the needs are” -- ministry to help youth stay out of the penal system; working with victims of domestic violence and other crimes
- What it means to stand at the foot of the cross with people who are suffering
- Living one’s faith in a political way: transformed by ministry in Brazil
- The SCS International Novitiate reflecting the global community
- Listener question: Attracted to religious life, but fearful of giving things up
- Making a commitment: does it lock you down or free you up?
- Listener question: What is consecrated life and who does the consecrating
- What is the best thing about being a Sister of the Holy Cross
- Sisters of the Holy Cross cscsisters.org
Sister Veronica Fajardo, CSC, is a student at the University of Southern California, pursuing a dual master's degree in social work and public administration. She also has an internship with a non-profit organization called Every-Child Restorative Justice Center where she works with youth ages 11-17 in a diversion program that works to keep them out of the penal system.
Sister Mary Elizabeth Bednarek, CSC, is Assistant Director of Novices at the Sisters of Holy Cross's International Novitiate in Notre Dame, Indiana. She has taught grade school and high school, has served extensively in parish ministry, and been involved in spirituality and retreat ministry. She served for 42 years in Brazil and another three years in Ghana and Uganda. For six years, she was president of the Brazilian Religious Conference Bahia-Sergipe.