Sister Maxine with guests Mrs. Amy Tabler, Sister Shannon Schrein, OSF, and the St. Mary’s Church high school youth group, the God Squad.
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Intro/outro music by Wild Carrot
L: Mrs. Amy Tabler is a lector at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Bluffton, Ohio. She and her husband Jim are part of the parish’s High School Youth Group, the God Squad. Amy is Executive Assistant at Lima (Ohio) Community Church. Amy was born in Columbus Grove, Ohio, which is still home to Amy and Jim, who have four children. Amy and Jim host “Tabler Tuesday” in their home for their college daughters to bring friends to their house for a family dinner. They do this several times per semester. They love connecting and learning about the friend’s lives. Amy is an avid reader who especially enjoys biographies and leadership books.
R: Sister Shannon Schrein, OSF, PhD is a Sylvania Franciscan and currently serves on the Leadership Team. She has a PhD in Systematic Theology and is president of the College Theology Society. She is the author of the books Quilting and Braiding: The Feminist Christologies of Sallie McFague and Elizabeth A. Johnson in Conversation. Sister Shannon is also the editor of God Has Begun a Great Work in Us: Embodied Love in Consecrated Life and Ecclesial Movements, The 2014 Annual Volume of the College Theology Society. She is a contributor to The Saint Mary’s College Study Bible, 2007. Sister Shannon is the 2012 recipient of the Franciscan Federation Award. She has shared her Franciscan way of life and her love of Jesus and the Scriptures with her students for more than forty years.