What lies at the heart of your community's charism?

In this #Nunday video, Sister Pat reflects upon the gift of her community charism and is challenged to give three words that best describe her congregation.

Sister Pat Dowling, CBS

The charism of religious life writ large

Podcast Recorded:

Each religious community has a unique charism – but perhaps none is as great a gift as the charism of religious life itself.

Catholic sisters from different congregations

How does your Community's charism guide your ministry?

In this #Nunday video, Sister Jean McKinney, CSJ, talks about the joy she experienced when getting to know the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and how that relationship caused an unending smile on her face and in her heart!

Sister Jean Marie's ministry of presence

Blog Published:

Sister Jean Marie Fernandez, RGS, shares how human dignity is central to her ministry with people who are homeless in San Francisco. 

How do I choose a religious community?

Blog Published:

While religious communities have much in common—the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and living a life of service and prayer—they also are different.