Apostolic or monastic?

Podcast Recorded:

There are many similarities, and some big differences, between apostolic and monastic religious orders.


Focusing inward or outward

Podcast Recorded:

Some religious communities focus on the interior life, and others go out into the world to serve. Learn about contemplative cloistered and missionary orders.

holding the world in our hands

What's in a charism?

Podcast Recorded:

As a laywoman, Susan Flansburg had a unique perspective on the different charisms of the women's religious communities she encountered -- one of the reasons she chose to write about discerning a religious vocation.

a girl looks perplexed

What questions did you ask as a young discerner?

Sister Michelle Lesher, SSJ, a Sister of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia currently serving in vocation and formation ministry, talks about the questions she was asking as a young discerner.

What would you like to ask young people today?

Sister Jenny Zimmerman shares the questions she would like to ask.