What's in a charism?

Podcast Recorded:

As a laywoman, Susan Flansburg had a unique perspective on the different charisms of the women's religious communities she encountered -- one of the reasons she chose to write about discerning a religious vocation.

a girl looks perplexed

How to tell if you have a religious vocation

Podcast Recorded:

Women are always asking Sister Mary Michael Fox, "How can I be sure if I have a religious vocation?" Find out Sister's simple strategy to get the answer.

A smiling woman prays next to a sunny window

The faith of the first step

Podcast Recorded:

As the future Sister Mary Michael Fox was poised to enter religious life, her mom said: “I don’t think you can do it.” Discover how Sister Mary Michael responded!

Woman stands before open door

What advice would you give someone discerning a call to religious life?

See how Sister Barbara O'Kane uses the acronym P.R.A.Y. for discerners considering religious life.

IG062 In Good Faith with Sister Violaine Paradis - Actress, Acrobat, Social Pastoral Worker

Podcast Recorded:

Sister Violaine Paradis was pursuing a career as an actress when she realized she wanted something more.

In Good Faith with Sister Violaine Paradis