A decade later, a miraculous reunion

Podcast Recorded:

Leaving Vietnam in small batches, Sr. Trish Doan’s family traveled to the United States over the course of a decade – and at long last, every member of the family was reunited in their adoptive home.

Vietnamese refugees in a boat

Bringing God out from the culture

Podcast Recorded:

Her theology studies and her own Catholic faith have helped Sr. Trish Doan see that God can’t be imposed on a culture – He’s already present in every culture.

Madonna and child depicted in different cultures

Discovering her true identity

Podcast Recorded:

Not until she was working with unaccompanied minors in US Immigration Services did Sr. Trish Doan realize the truth: as a Vietnamese refugee making her way to the United States, she herself had been an unaccompanied minor.

Vietnamese girl sits by herself near a boat