I am the alm

Blog Published:

A new approach to Lent makes a big impact.

penrose triangle

Instead of giving up something for Lent, could I take something up?

Podcast Recorded:

A listener wonders if, instead of giving up chocolate or soda for Lent, she could do something extra – like clean the bathroom, so her mom doesn’t have to. What are the best Lenten practices? The Nuns discuss!

A person is cleaning the bathroom

Service out of love, not worthiness

Blog Published:

A stranger in a strange land, Sister Scholastica struggled with her vocation until she experienced an epiphany.

Sr. Schola Mutua helps with food distribution at an evacuation center for refugees in the Philippines.

Giving of love, giving our presence

Blog Published:

To be acknowledged is one thing, but to be seen says that we are valued and loved. No matter what we do or give to practice Almsgiving, it is about the person and the relationship. Showing others that they are seen, heard, and loved has the potential to bring them back from the lifelessness of all that weighs them down.

Lent teaches us to give of love and our presence

Holy Week ~ PRESENCE

How fickle can humanity be?! We go from courageously promising our friendship to fearfully running away at Jesus' most critical time.

Holy Week - Presence