Peace is possible

Blog Published:

Appearances to the contrary, peace is possible in our world. Christ is the proof.

small globe perched on seaside rocks

Unity in community

Blog Published:

Peace in our world can only come when we nurture peace within ourselves.

candles burning inside a church

To become what I believe

Blog Published:

I am a big sports fan myself. But far greater than any allegiance to any sports team, I have chosen to ally my life with the life of Christ. We are Christians. We know the outcome of this game. We believe that the Paschal Mystery is our story, too.

To become what I believe

AS233 Ask Sister - Lent, no sign of peace at Mass, scary angel memes, can you disagree with infallibility
Podcast Recorded:

Topics: Lent, no sign of peace at Mass, scary angel memes, can you disagree with infallibility. Hosts: Sister Shannon and Sister Maxine.

Ask Sister Podcast with Sister Shannon and Sister Maxine

The Sign of Peace at Mass feels like a health risk. What should I do?
Podcast Recorded:

A listener worries because people at Mass walk around at the Greeting of Peace instead of social distancing and wearing masks. Hear the full Ask Sister episode at AS233. Hosts: Sister Maxine and Sister Shannon.

The Sign of Peace at Mass feels like a health risk. What should I do?