Nuns Just Want to Have Fun

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Do nuns get silly when they live together or is it all serious all the time? What do you ladies do for fun?

Nunday: Sister Margaret McCormack, CCVI

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I met Sister Margaret McCormack, CCVI, when I was 15 years old. She was one of my teachers in high school but, much more than that, she is one of my biggest cheerleaders, role models, prayer partners and inspirations.

Interview with a Hermit – loneliness and community

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Last week I posted Interview with a Hermit – called by God, the first installment from an interview I did with Sister Laurel O’Neal of the blog Notes from Stillsong Hermitage. Sister Laurel is a hermit of the Camaldolese Benedictine tradition. Here’s the next installment. I always wondered if hermits feel lonely or if they miss being within a religious community of other nuns … and so I asked …

woman sitting alone on a hill at sunset

DaRK PaRTY interviews Sister Julie

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Nothing makes one feel hip and relevant like an interview by a mysterious-sounding group called DaRK PaRTY.

What is a day in the life of a sister like?

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Question: "I was wondering if you would be interested in describing what your day is like. If you consider this an intrusion, please feel free to ignore it."