Why God Does Not Fold Laundry

Blog Published:

8:03 a.m. Sometimes Mondays really feel like a Monday. Stuff has piled up over the weekend -- work, laundry, email, dishes, and God knows what else.

Everyday God

Podcast Recorded:

A listener’s friends challenge her devotion to her faith. The Nuns have advice!

Praying girl looks heavenward

AS160 Ask Sister - Motherhouse Road Trip with the Sisters of the Precious Blood in Dayton, Ohio

Podcast Recorded:

AS160 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on August 28, 2014, in Dayton, Ohio.

What to do with feelings of doubt during the spiritual journey?

Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, we talk about navigating doubts along the spiritual journey. Hear the full Ask Sister podcast episode at AS160.

In your 50 years as a Sister, what prayer pro-tip has been especially helpful to you?

Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, Sister Timothy Marie, who celebrated her 50th Jubilee, shares her nun wisdom for facing tough times. Hear the full podcast at AS157.