How can I move ahead in life when I feel stuck in the past, like Lot's Wife?
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, a listener feels like Lot's Wife, looking longingly at the past then getting stuck, unable to move ahead. Hear the full podcast at AS151.

Spiritual-o-meter to rate New Year resolutions
Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, the nuns discuss their New Year's resolutions and what Chloe the Convent Cat thinks. Hear the full Ask Sister podcast at AS151.  

If I disagree with certain practices at church, is it time to say adieu to the pew?
Podcast Recorded:

This Random Nun Clip is from Ask Sister podcast episode 150. Hear the full podcast at AS150.

What should I do when my prayers seem to go unanswered?
Podcast Recorded:

This Random Nun Clip is from Ask Sister podcast episode 150. Hear the full podcast at AS150.

Prayers for Our Human Family

Blog Published:

Today is a tough day as we remember not only all who serve today and served in the past in various conflicts but we also mourn the tragic loss of life and devastation in the Philippines from the typhoon. It is really hard to absorb so much pain, suffering, and grief. But we must tangle with these things because in so much as suffering touches the life of another person, it touches us.