Sister Patricia Rodríguez Leal, CSC

“What is your mission?” This question reaffirmed Sister Patricia's call of caring for children through peace education and to create safe spaces where violence has no place.

Sister Paty with two students.

Sister Sarah Kohles, OSF

My prayer during my last year of high school centered around Genesis 12 when God told Abram and Sarai to “go to the land I will show you.” For me, this meant, “Go to the college I will show. Go to the religious community I will show you.”

Sisters of St. Francis- Dubuque, IA

What advice would you give someone discerning a call to religious life?

See how Sister Barbara O'Kane uses the acronym P.R.A.Y. for discerners considering religious life.

IG062 In Good Faith with Sister Violaine Paradis - Actress, Acrobat, Social Pastoral Worker
Podcast Recorded:

Sister Violaine Paradis was pursuing a career as an actress when she realized she wanted something more.

In Good Faith with Sister Violaine Paradis

Sister Victoria Lichtenauer, SCL

Can you live a simple life? Can you separate yourself from all your familiar conveniences?- my spiritual director asked me during my vocation discernment.

Sister Vicki Lichtenauer, SCL