Apostolic or monastic?

Podcast Recorded:

There are many similarities, and some big differences, between apostolic and monastic religious orders.


Focusing inward or outward

Podcast Recorded:

Some religious communities focus on the interior life, and others go out into the world to serve. Learn about contemplative cloistered and missionary orders.

holding the world in our hands

Walking with trafficking survivors

Blog Published:

Escaping slavery is the first step; after that, trusted support makes the challenge of recovery less daunting.

a woman in handcuffs hides her face

The abundance of the desert

Blog Published:

Serving in Israel/ Palestine, Sister Cecilia Sierra is discovering the abundant blessings of life and prayer in the desert.

Sister Cecilia Sierra praying in the Judean desert near Mount Musa

IGF061 In Good Faith with Sister Mary Michael Fox - Student, Teacher, Catechist, Author

Podcast Recorded:

Sister Mary Michael is a lifelong student in the art and science of teaching in the classroom -- and in the faith.

Sister Mary Michael Fox, OP