AS161 Ask Sister - nature imitating snack food, what scripture says about nuns, sabbatical from sisterhood, Swamp Nun, cat vs. dog people
Podcast Recorded:

AS161 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on September 25, 2014. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: nature imitating snack food, what scripture says about nuns, sabbatical from sisterhood, Swamp Nun, cat vs. dog people   

AS159 Ask Sister - how to act like a nun, happy wrongdoers and the end times, nuns' swimwear
Podcast Recorded:

AS159 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on July 16, 2014. Sponsored by ministry. Topics include: actress wonders how to act like a nun, happy wrongdoers and the end times, nuns' swimwear, and more!

Why does God have so many names?

Blog Published:

I used to think that God only had one name. God. Sure, there's the whole Holy Spirit and Jesus the Christ thing, but they are included in the Trinity package. God is God, right? Well, over the course of my life, I've discovered -- to my great delight -- that God has many names!

AS158 Ask Sister - Motherhouse Road Trip with the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, California
Podcast Recorded:

AS158 Ask Sister podcast recorded live on June 18, 2014, in Fremont, California.

How can living in a different culture change your understandings about God?
Podcast Recorded:

This Random Nun Clip is from In Good Faith podcast episode 032. Hear the full podcast at IGF032.