Fasting and gluttony: Is there a connection?

Blog Published:

What is the value of fasting during Lent? Sister Réjane shares her plan for a Lenten fast and the reasoning behind it.

Sister Rejane makes meat-free burritos as part of her Lenten fast from meat and dairy.

Instead of giving up something for Lent, could I take something up?
Podcast Recorded:

A listener wonders if, instead of giving up chocolate or soda for Lent, she could do something extra – like clean the bathroom, so her mom doesn’t have to. What are the best Lenten practices? The Nuns discuss!

A person is cleaning the bathroom

Why is gluttony a sin?
Podcast Recorded:

A listener is puzzled why gluttony is included among “the seven deadly sins.” The Nuns discuss!

A man suffers a stomachache after overeating

Journey to Hope and Healing

Blog Published:

Sister Melissa Camardo shares her powerful experience living in community with survivors of human trafficking.

Community grew around the dining table at the LifeWay Network safe house.

AS230 Ask Sister - Just your average sinner, holiest of all, Team Jesus healers
Podcast Recorded:

Topics: Just your average sinner, holiest of all, Team Jesus healers.