Praying with the Sisters—March 13, 2023
This reflection was shared during our Praying With The Sisters live-streamed prayer on Facebook. A Nun’s Life was joined by guests Sisters Jenny Wilson and Barbara Giehl, who are members of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas.
(The video recording of our prayer can be found below the blog.)
Reflection on John 4:5-15
Sometimes I get tired of walking with others. Strangers and also people I know. It can seem at times that so many people need me. I feel guilty for being tired and for not really wanting to give drinks. Recently a student I don’t know at the college where I work asked me for help. I was very tired and the last thing I wanted to do was help her.
However, I did help her, and I could see she was thirsty for knowledge and the help I could give her. Thinking about this later, I realized in that moment I became the woman at the well wondering where the bucket was. Seeing how thirsty that young woman was, I was also able see with the help of God’s grace that she needed what was offered. I realized I was able to find my bucket.
Reflection Questions:
How am I living water for others?
What fills up my spiritual bucket?
The painting that was mentioned in this PTWS is entitled "The Woman of Samaria" by Father Sieger Koder. We do not have permission to show you this image but you are welcome to search the internet for it. Make sure you rotate it upside to see the image of Jesus and the woman in the reflection of the water at the bottom of the well.