Topics: Non-kneeler feels judged at Mass. God's advice about girlfriend problems. How sisters get their names. Priests, nuns, bosses.
Here are more details about today’s show!
(1:30) Feast of Saint Scholastica, February 10.
(6:55) Listener asks what to do when feeling judged by others about not kneeling at Mass.
(9:30) Kneeling per the General Instruction of the Roman Missal.
(11:00) Story from the pew: one-legged kneeling after knee surgery.
(13:00) Suggestions for what to do about feelings of being judged at Mass.
(16:30) Listener asks why God isn’t offering any girlfriend advice.
(19:00) Chat room offers suggestions about what God might be saying instead.
(22:30) Free will vs. God dictating what we should do.
(26:46) Listener asks if sisters must take the name of the saint who established their congregation.
(27:00) Current customs regarding sisters’ baptismal names, and religious names.
(36:44) Listener asks if a priest and a nun teach at the same school, is the priest automatically the boss?
(38:25) Story from IHM history about priest and nun leadership in the congregation.
(40:30) What about “spiritual” supervisors?
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