IGF028 In Good Faith podcast with Sister Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ, recorded live on November 1, 2013. Produced by aNunsLife.org Ministry. Topics include: Communion of Saints, holiness, infinite horizon of God, and more.
- The influences on Sister Elizabeth’s attraction to theology
- The pedestal of idealized womanhood, and recovering Mary's humanity
- The "communion of holy things" -- all of creation in the communion of saints
- Holiness as a gift from God, freely given to all
- Understanding saints as friends of God throughout their lives
- Saints and canonized saints
- The Great Cloud of Witnesses (Hebrews 12)
- Two models of the saints: companionship and patronage
- The saints as our companions: memories, storytelling, calendar of saints
- Theology in the age of the laity in the church
- Being receptive to the power of God to embrace and transform us
- The infinite horizon of God
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Sister Elizabeth Johnson is a Sister of St. Joseph of Brentwood, Long Island, and is Distinguished Professor of Theology at Fordham University in New York City.
An award winning author, Sister Elizabeth has written many books including Friends of God and Prophets: A Feminist Theological Reading of the Communion of Saints; Truly Our Sister: A Theology of Mary in the Communion of Saints; and Quest for the Living God. Her new book on ecological theology, entitled Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love, will be out in January 2014.
Sister Elizabeth has also published many essays in scholarly journals, chapters in edited books, book reviews, and articles in popular journals. She is a former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America and the American Theological Society.