Discernment can be very challenging -- but it isn't only hard work. The Nuns discuss the very big up-sides of the discernment process.
Listen to the full Motherhouse Road Trip podcast here: https://anunslife.org/podcasts/ask-sister/as182-mar-03-2016-fspa-lacrosse
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Sister Julie
This Random Nun Clip is brought to you by A Nun's Life Ministry.
Sister Maxine
We're here in La Crosse, Wisconsin, on a Motherhouse Road Trip with the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration and we are delighted to be joined by Sister Katie Mitchell.
Sister Katie
Great to be here with you.
Sister Maxine
And Sister Eileen McKenzie.
Sister Eileen
Thank you. It's lovely to be here.
Sister Maxine
We have a question that came in from the chat room from Steve. He said, "You know, oftentimes it sounds like that discernment process can be sort of a joyless time of soul searching. Since there are no one-sided coins, what's the flip side of discernment, the joyous, dynamic, and fun side? Sister Katie?
Sister Katie
When I think about that, there's a lot of joy, in discernment. Because if you're truly listening to God, and you're also listening to people around you, I think that's an important piece. People around you who know you well, they can tell you and help you along the way, maybe offer you things about yourself, that you don't know, you don't see. That they can mentor you. But if you're listening to God, I think you really do find joy, you find joy in knowing that you're opening yourself up to God and to God's way for you. And I think sometimes we want to take everything so seriously. But we kind of got to let go and let God guide us on the way and when you find -- like you were saying, Eileen -- when you find that place where you know that you are to be, there's joy in that. And just knowing that God is walking with you on the way, there's joy in that too.
Sister Eileen
I think of joy as that deeper sensation. It's not like you're giggling at every party. It's that you feel connected with the Divine in a way that leads you into places you never thought you would go, where you couldn't see yourself to be. But that connection with the source is a sense of deep joy. And I think it brings you past the fear that you might have in what another step forward would be.
Sister Maxine
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