Why does Sister Julie have such a bond with St. Scholastica? The Nuns discuss!
Image credit: "St Scholastica" by Lawrence OP is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
Sister Julie
This Random Nun Clip is brought to you by A Nun's Life Ministry.
Sister Maxine
So Sister, before we begin, I'm aware that Friday is the feast day of one of your fave saints.
Sister Julie
I love St. Scholastica. I'll tell you the story. When I was first thinking about life as a sister, I contacted a number of religious communities. And one of them happened to be a Benedictine community in I believe it was, I think Edmonton. I was living in Canada at the time. So that's where I started. And when I inquired it was the old-fashioned analog style. I sent in a letter and of course, true to being myself, it was like a 20-page letter introducing myself and my entire life. I received the warmest response, again by letter, from the vocation director, and she said she was praying with me, and she sent along a holy card of St. Scholastica, who is important as one of the early sisters in the Benedictine tradition. She sent along this holy card of St. Scholastica. And she said, please know that St. Scholastica will be praying with you, and will be walking with you. And it was so touching. And I stayed in correspondence with her for a little while and realized that was not my calling, but I'll never forget that experience. And since then, St. Scholastica has been an important part of my spirituality.
Sister Maxine
I know all of that connection all the way from St. Scholastica in the fifth century to today. To hear full episodes of A Nun's Life podcasts, visit the podcast page at anunslife.org/podcasts.
This podcast has been lightly edited for readability.