What lies at the heart of your community's charism?

In this #Nunday video, Sister Pat reflects upon the gift of her community charism and is challenged to give three words that best describe her congregation.

Sister Pat Dowling, CBS

Sister Linda Volk, PHJC

The journey from novitiate through final commitment was bumpy and uneven. Instead of the movie version of entering religious life with shining eyes and holy music, the Holy Spirit had me fumbling around at the side door, peering inside,  hanging around at the threshold, eventually reopening the door and finally stepping through with recognition that I belonged to this life and that I found joy and fulfillment in it.

Vocation Story by Sister Linda Volk, PHJC

Sister Monika Bies, OCD

A personal relationship with the God whom I love, and who loves me, in the service of God’s people always played an important role in my life.

Sister Monika Bies, OCD

What do you love about being a Sister?

In this #Nunday video, Sister Sue shares what she loves most about being a sister and being part of an unfolding story.

Sister Chela Gonzalez, OP

In sharing my story, I call out to other young women who might be feeling an emptiness in their lives, or a whisper that there is something bigger.