The charism of religious life writ large
Podcast Recorded:

Each religious community has a unique charism – but perhaps none is as great a gift as the charism of religious life itself.

Catholic sisters from different congregations

What are some things to consider when discerning religious life?

In this #Nunday video, Sister Barbara Krakora, SSJ-TOSF, suggests some things to consider when discerning religious life.

What does “growth” mean in terms of religious communities?

Blog Published:

Quite a conversation is taking place around Nuns: Perceptions and Assumptions. The latest comment sounded like a good springboard for a new post

What lies at the heart of your community's charism?

In this #Nunday video, Sister Pat reflects upon the gift of her community charism and is challenged to give three words that best describe her congregation.

Sister Pat Dowling, CBS

What's in a charism?
Podcast Recorded:

As a laywoman, Susan Flansburg had a unique perspective on the different charisms of the women's religious communities she encountered -- one of the reasons she chose to write about discerning a religious vocation.

a girl looks perplexed