What does Jesus teach us about discernment?

Blog Published:

As discerners and seekers, we want to follow God, but here’s the clue from Jesus about how to ensure that that happens.

How can I share the message of Jesus in my everyday life?

Blog Published:

On the Feast of Saint Mark we hear his gospel account of Jesus' ascension into heaven. How is Jesus calling you to "proclaim the gospel to every creature"?

What classes should I take to learn more about my faith and to discern a possible religious vocation?

Blog Published:

As far as courses you can take in college or graduate work, I recommend a good Scripture course or two—especially on the Gospels.

What does Jesus teach us about finding peace in everyday life?

Blog Published:

The peace Jesus offers IS radically different. It’s peace in the MIDST of suffering, in the midst of the storm.

What does Jesus teach us about finding peace in everyday life?

A "come to Jesus" moment -- for cats?

Podcast Recorded:

In this Random Nun Clip, we talk about  a "come to Jesus" moment for Chloe the Convent Cat. Hear the full Ask Sister podcast at AS150.