Do Nuns Know How to Love?

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I spent my blogging time this morning reflecting on and responding to a question from “An Ex-Candidate of an Order.” I thought I would share it with you because I want you to keep Ex-Candidate in your prayers and because I’d like to hear your reflections on this as well.

Finding Grace in the Moments

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The COVID-19 pandemic has altered people's lives in unimaginable ways, but finding God's grace in the day-to-day moments can help get us through this challenging time. 

Giving of love, giving our presence

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To be acknowledged is one thing, but to be seen says that we are valued and loved. No matter what we do or give to practice Almsgiving, it is about the person and the relationship. Showing others that they are seen, heard, and loved has the potential to bring them back from the lifelessness of all that weighs them down.

Lent teaches us to give of love and our presence

God and Dog – and a Litany of Pets

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Just the other day I came across my copy of The Hound of Heaven. It’s a poem about God’s untiring pursuit of us, a chase inspired by God’s great love. The poem was written around 1900, by Francis Thompson.

Hashtags Break My Heart

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#BlackLivesMatter #LoveWins I'm reading my Twitter newsfeed and, in the midst of life's ordinary joys and sorrows, there is a litany of stories that are heartwarming and that break my heart.