The Divine Sister: Another play on nuns

Blog Published:

I'm grateful that my introduction to The Divine Sister, a comedic play written by Charles Busch, came from a review by Lawrence Toppman, a theater critic and culture writer with The Charlotte Observer. Had I run into the predictable story line and characters elsewhere, I may have been less than amused with this comedy and missed its actual intent.

Nun outfits in the news

Blog Published:

Is our popular image of what nuns look like taking a turn? I read an article in the Mail Online, a UK news outlet, about Kelly Osbourne, in which writer Leah Simpson comments on in a recent sighting of Kelly and her boyfriend and the goings-on of the Osbourne family.

IGF008 In Good Faith with Dr. Bren Ortega Murphy
Podcast Recorded:

IGF008 In Good Faith with Bren Ortega Murphy, PhD, recorded live on April 12, 2011. Produced by ministry. The nuns talk with Prof. Murphy about nun images in popular culture, such as Nunzilla, Boxing Nuns, movie nuns and more!

IGF008 Podcast with Dr. Bren Ortega Murphy